How Serendip works

As you are well aware, building and maintaining software is an investment. Serendip was launched to alleviate that pain point.

We at Serendip will focus on your return on investment and be your guide and trusted advisor to navigate the project towards the best possible outcome. Read further on how …. We are hoping the infographic below helps.

  • Step 1 – Serendip meets with the client and together we work on identifying and validating the return on investment (ROI) and value proposition. Being able to articulate this will help us justify the spend. At this point it will become clear if we need to proceed forward or not.
  • Step 2 – Serendip will find an elite partner to conduct a deeper discovery with the client. Together we will paint a clearer picture of how we might solve for the solution to our business problem.
  • Step 3 – The Partner and Serendip will work on a proposal to articulate the deliverables, cost and timeline. At this point, the client can decide to move forward or not.
  • Step 4 – The project kicks off with the Partner. A cadence is established on how and when we’ll be using the various communication tools available.

Serendip workflow in relation to client and partner

  • Step 5 – The partner will demonstrate what they accomplished after each sprint. At this point Serendip will assume a bigger role in client success. We will conduct retrospectives and the client has a chance to validate the direction of the project.
  • Step 6 – Serendip will provide an executive summary with information on the sprint and the direction of the project. Client will participate in validating and testing what’s been built.
  • Step 5 and Step 6 – Both these steps are repeated till we are able to successfully complete the project.
  • Step 7 – Project is completed. The client can choose to undertake the maintenance with an internal team or we will put a service agreement together.

The first step is talking to Serendip. Schedule some time with us.

** Infographics designed by DiDart.