Serendip: Reflecting on growth. Our annual review highlights learnings and celebrates achievements. 4.5 years strong, with a team of 5 and valuable partnerships. Fostering a kind, grateful, and courageous work environment. Visit to learn more about our journey.

Our 2023 Learnings

Our 2023 learnings are focused on encouraging entrepreneurship.
Serendip: Congratulations Jonathan Marceau for winning the Michigan Virtual Ed Tech 2023 Pitch Competition last week! We know how hard you worked for it and you had tough competition from many great teams. For the readers, here is an overview of Jonathan and his entrepreneurial journey/success story. The Story Jonathan Marceau is an elementary school teacher in Shelby Township with 19 years’ experience. For the past 18 months, he has been working on bringing to life his classroom practice that has a proven track record in helping students spell better. Jonathan had launched into his entrepreneurial journey with his company Synapse Creations. 

Spelling Safari wins Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch 2023

Jonathan Marceau founder of Synapse Creations wins the Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch Competition 2023 with his app Spelling Safari
Serendip: Celebrating Milestones Team & Growth: We've grown to a team of 5 talented employees, alongside a network of high-caliber consultants, expanding our expertise. Valued Partnerships: We continue to treasure our collaborations with Fanzoo Technology and Code Exitos, fostering successful partnerships. Giving Back: We've surpassed $10,000 in donated service hours to non-profit organizations, making a positive impact. Empowering Women in STEM: Proudly sponsoring 3 college scholarships for women in STEM fields through AWAF, investing in the future. Financial Success: Projected to reach our first million in revenue this year, a testament to our hard work and dedication. Launching Careers: We remain committed to being a launchpad for careers, helping individuals grow and thrive.
Serendip Milestones Founded in Michigan on March 25th, 2019. Started as an ambitious experiment with a 3-year horizon to prove the concept. Belief & Dedication Fueled Growth. The team's commitment to the mission solidified Serendip's delivery culture and framework, setting the stage for success. Community Recognition. Valuable partnerships with community organizations emerged, recognizing Serendip's unique value proposition. Remarkable Growth. Serendip has grown an impressive 4 times its original size, continuing to serve as a launchpad for careers.

Serendip Turns 3 Today!

A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.
Serendip: A Journey of Unexpected Delights Surprising Outcomes. Our 2021 journey unfolded in ways we never anticipated, filled with wonderful experiences and valuable lessons learned. 2 Years & 9 Months Strong. Since our launch, Serendip has grown to a dedicated team of 4 individuals, passionate about our mission. Cultivating a Positive Culture. Kindness, gratitude, and bravery remain at the heart of our company culture, empowering our team to bring authenticity and joy to every project.

Happy New Year – Our 2021 Learnings

A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.
Serendip: Meet Jonn Behrman, a seasoned leader and visionary entrepreneur hailing from Ann Arbor, Michigan. With expertise spanning digital advertising, technology, and operations, Jonn has a proven track record of turning ideas into successful ventures. His journey began at the University of Michigan, where he founded Beyond Interactive from his dorm room in 1995, igniting a trajectory of innovation and growth. Beyond Interactive eventually caught the eye of industry giant Grey Global, leading to a successful acquisition.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jonn Behrman

Jonn Behrman AgelessRX | Beyond Hook Ventures | SPARK EIR Beyond Interactive | SpiritShop | Hook Logic | Necto!!!
Serendip: Introducing Darian Rodriguez Heyman, a luminary in the realm of social impact, fundraising, and social entrepreneurship. With a passion for "helping people help," Darian has dedicated his career to driving positive change and empowering communities. His journey began as the Executive Director of Craigslist Foundation, where he spearheaded initiatives aimed at fostering social good for over five impactful years. Following his tenure, Darian's commitment to environmental stewardship led to his appointment as a Commissioner for the Environment in San Francisco, further solidifying his dedication to creating a sustainable future for all. Darian's influence extends beyond his leadership roles; he is also a prolific author, renowned for his best-selling works, including "Nonprofit Fundraising 101" and the second edition of "Nonprofit Management 101," which have become indispensable resources for those navigating the complex landscape of nonprofit management.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Darian Rodriguez Heyman

Darian Rodriguez Heyman is an accomplished social impact consultant, fundraiser, social entrepreneur, and author.
Serendip: Meet Jessica Willis, a trailblazer in the realm of financial planning and the visionary founder and CEO behind the multiple award-winning GenX financial planning SAAS tool, Pocketnest. With over 21 years of invaluable experience in the financial planning industry, Jessica brings a wealth of expertise and insight to her groundbreaking venture. Driven by a profound understanding of the evolving financial landscape, Jessica is on a mission to empower millennials with the tools and knowledge they need to navigate their financial futures confidently. She recognizes the monumental shift occurring as millennials stand to inherit a staggering $68 trillion from baby boomers by 2030. However, she also acknowledges the concerning statistic that 67 percent of millennials turn to social media for financial advice, highlighting the urgent need for accessible, reliable financial planning resources.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jessica Willis

Jessica Willis is the founder and CEO of the multiple award winning GenX financial planning SAAS tool Pocketnest.
Serendip: Reflecting on growth and embracing the journey is essential, especially when navigating the dynamic landscape of business and technology. As we embark on our annual review at Serendip, it's a moment to pause, celebrate achievements, and glean insights from our experiences. Amidst the bustling energy of January 2020 in Michigan, a pivotal encounter unfolded, one that resonates deeply with the ethos of Serendip. Despite the whirlwind of options like CES or ongoing deals, a personal connection took precedence. It was during an Automation Alley Tech Takeover in Troy, Michigan, that fate intervened, bringing me face to face with someone I'll refer to as "Joaquin." Joaquin's seasoned wisdom and experience in cultivating truly agile organizations, dating back to the early 80s, left a profound impression. Despite initial reservations, his genuine interest in Serendip's vision sparked a meaningful connection. Through our subsequent conversations and interactions, Joaquin's enthusiasm and support served as a beacon of validation, affirming the potential of Serendip's mission. Moreover, Joaquin's thoughtful gesture of sharing a transformative book and philosophy encapsulates the essence of our future trajectory. With his guidance and inspiration, we are poised to chart new horizons and redefine paradigms in the realm of sales and beyond. Amidst the buzz surrounding machine learning and AI, there lies a crucial distinction between hype and reality. While the promise of these technologies is tantalizing, the path to tangible results demands a nuanced approach. As we navigate this landscape, it's imperative to demystify AI and machine learning, grounding our endeavors in practical problem-solving and tangible outcomes. The journey towards implementing machine learning solutions begins with a fundamental step: defining the problem. Through meticulous discovery and assessment, we lay the foundation for success, ensuring clarity, measurability, and alignment with business objectives. From ideation to software implementation and validation, each stage demands meticulous attention to detail and collaboration, bridging the gap between technology and business imperatives. As we traverse this journey, the pyramid analogy serves as a guiding framework, emphasizing the importance of infrastructure, data integrity, and continuous improvement. By prioritizing the collection of insightful data and fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration, we pave the way for transformative change and enduring success. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to individuals like Joaquin and Delbert Cope, whose wisdom and insights have illuminated our path forward. As we reflect on our journey and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead, let us continue to shine brightly, driven by curiosity, courage, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. Shine On You Crazy Diamonds!

Hidden treasures … a short story

A short real life story of opportunities.