Spelling Safari wins Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch 2023
Jonathan Marceau founder of Synapse Creations wins the Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch Competition 2023 with his app Spelling Safari

Serendip Turns 3 Today!
A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.

Happy New Year – Our 2021 Learnings
A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jonn Behrman
Jonn Behrman
AgelessRX | Beyond Hook Ventures | SPARK EIR
Beyond Interactive | SpiritShop | Hook Logic | Necto!!!

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Darian Rodriguez Heyman
Darian Rodriguez Heyman is an accomplished social impact consultant, fundraiser, social entrepreneur, and author.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jessica Willis
Jessica Willis is the founder and CEO of the multiple award winning GenX financial planning SAAS tool Pocketnest.