Spelling Safari wins Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch 2023
Jonathan Marceau founder of Synapse Creations wins the Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch Competition 2023 with his app Spelling Safari

Serendip Turns 3 Today!
A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.

Happy New Year – Our 2021 Learnings
A recap of what 2021 was like for our growth and a summary of our learnings.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jonn Behrman
Jonn Behrman
AgelessRX | Beyond Hook Ventures | SPARK EIR
Beyond Interactive | SpiritShop | Hook Logic | Necto!!!

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Darian Rodriguez Heyman
Darian Rodriguez Heyman is an accomplished social impact consultant, fundraiser, social entrepreneur, and author.

Serendipian Virtual Happy Hour – Jessica Willis
Jessica Willis is the founder and CEO of the multiple award winning GenX financial planning SAAS tool Pocketnest.

Why name it Serendip?
In the last month, I've been introducing the concept and community…