Serendip turns 4 on March 25th.
Check out this snapshot of all the reasons to celebrate
- We’ve helped 19 clients with software design, development, delivery and/or testing.
- We continue to receive a 5/5 rating from our clients.
- We’ve grown to 5 employees and a rich network of high caliber consultants.
- We continue to treasure our partnerships with Fanzoo Technology and Code Exitos.
- We’ve donated over $10,000 in service hours to non-profit organizations.
- We are sponsoring 3 college scholarships for women in STEM through AWAF.
- We are projected to make our first million this year in revenue.
- We continue to be a launchpad for careers.
Special thanks to the Serendip team and our clients! We are so grateful to have the privilege of working with you everyday!